Könnyű kezelés
Last updated: 27 May 2020
Comparative Vulnerability Assessment
The existing indoor air quality related problems were described for the school buildings in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia and a comparison was prepared based on the national vulnerability assessments.
Comparative SWOT analysis
The comparative SWOT analysis provides information on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that exist in the case of indoor air quality in the Central European school buildings.
Joint Transnational Strategy for Indoor Air Quality Action Plans
The joint transnational strategy for indoor air quality action plans is a document for providing guidance to develop national strategies for indoor air quality action plans in school buildings.
Indoor Air Quality Action Plans
National indoor air quality action plans were prepared for the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia to support the elaboration of national policies.
Training material for teachers, school maintainers and architects
Joint training materials were prepared for selected target groups (i.e. teachers, school maintainers and architects) to support the successful implementation of the indoor air quality action plans.
Awareness raising materials
Poster with a title of “Learning is easier in clean air” was prepared and translated into different languages for awareness raising purposes. The target groups are children and teachers.
Az egészséges iskolai környezet kialakítására vonatkozó szakpolitikák áttekintése és javaslatok megfogalmazása (in Hungarian)
A dokumentum nemzetközi kitekintést nyújt az beltéri környezetet meghatározó paraméterek jelenlegi szabályozásáról és javaslatokat fogalmaz meg a fejlesztési lehetőségekről.
Módszertani ajánlás az oktatási-nevelési intézmények beltéri levegőjének javítására (in Hungarian)
A dokumentum javaslatokat fogalmaz meg az oktatási-nevelési intézmények beltéri levegőminőségének javításához.
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