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The Protocol on Water and Health[1] is a unique instrument of the European Region linking sustainable water management with prevention, control and reduction of water-related disease. It is the first and only legally binding multilateral agreement addressing protection of human health and well-being.

The Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes[2] was adopted in 1999 and entered into force in 2005. Currently 27 countries of the European Region are party to the Protocol and 14 are signatories[3]. Secretariat of the Protocol is provided jointly by the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Parties to the Protocol are required to set national targets with target dates and indicators within 2 years of becoming a Party. The national targets are adapted to the needs and possibilities of every country. Parties regularly review their progress and report[4] to the Meeting of the Parties.

The Meeting of the Parties[5] is the highest governing body of the Protocol, meeting every 3 years to take stock of the activities and progress of the previous work cycle and decide on the priorities for the next work cycle. The current programme of work for 2023-2025[6], adopted at the 6th Meeting of the Parties, consists of nine programme areas:

  1. Improving governance for water and health through target setting, implementing measures and reporting
  2. Prevention and reduction of water related diseases
  3. Water, sanitation and hygiene in institutional settings and public places
  4. Small scale water supply and sanitation
  5. Safe and efficient management of water supply and sanitation systems
  6. Equitable access to water and sanitation: translating the human rights into practice
  7. Increasing resilience to climate change
  8. Raising awareness on the Protocol and facilitating accession

Hungary is co-leader of programme areas PA3 (with Georgia, Lithuania, North Macedonia and the Republic of Moldova) and PA6 (with France). Implementation of the work programme is coordinated by the Bureau[7] of the Protocol and the Working Group on Water and Health. Hungary is the current chair of the Bureau, with Germany and Portugal serving as vice chairs.


[1] https://unece.org/environment-policy/water/protocol-on-water-and-health/about-the-protocol/introduction

[2] https://unece.org/environment-policy/water/about-the-convention/introduction

[3] https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XXVII-5-a&chapter=27&clang=_en

[4] https://unece.org/reporting-parties-and-other-states

[5] https://unece.org/environment-policy/water/protocol-on-water-and-health/protocol-bodies/meeting-parties

[6] https://unece.org/programme-work-4

[7] https://unece.org/environment-policy/water/contacts/members-bureau-protocol-water-and-health

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