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In February, a transformative initiative aimed at preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) took its first step as the Joint Action on cancer and other non-communicable disease prevention project (JA PreventNCD) was launched in an Oslo meeting. The project is co-funded by the European Union with a total budget of 95.5 million EUR, representing 20% of the EU's total health budget. This groundbreaking project brings together 25 nations in a collaborative effort to address the growing burden of NCDs across borders.

NCDs, including cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases pose significant challenges to public health, with over 75% of individuals facing the risk of these diseases. The risk factors, such as unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity, are well-known, yet the societal and economic costs continue to escalate. In the EU alone, NCDs account for a staggering 115 billion EUR annually in healthcare expenditures. Led by Norway and supported by more than 100 partners, the Joint Action Prevent NCD project aims to tackle NCDs and their risk factors at both the individual and societal levels.

In Hungary, the NCPHP participates in the project as a competent authority. The institute is particularly involved in the nutrition and health promotion related project areas. It also plays an active role in the work package aiming at reducing health inequalities, co-leading the implementation of the activities identified in the work package.

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