Bioavailability of Dietary Iron in Infant and
Adolescent Populations of Timişoara, Romania

Danina M. Muntean1, Corneluta Fira-Mladinescu2, and Ovidiu Fira-Mladinescu1

1 Department of Pathophysiology and
2 Department of Hygiene, Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania

Corresponding author: Danina M. Muntean
    Str. Shakespeare nr. 20/b
    RO-1900 Timişoara, Romania
    Telephone: +40-56-220479
    Fax number: +40-56-220479
    E-mail address:

CEJOEM 2002, Vol.8. No.2–3.:147–151

Key words:
dietary iron intake, bioavailability, young people, anaemia

The present study was designed to determine the dietary intake of iron in infant and adolescent populations and to investigate the role of certain nutrients involved in iron assimilation. The mean daily iron intake (8.28 mg in children aged 3–12 and 8.26 mg in adolescents aged 12–18), evaluated by means of food frequency questionnaires and food composition tables, was inferior to doses recommended for the corresponding ages. Moreover, the major part of iron intake (6.45 mg and 5.34 mg respectively) was of non-haem source, and therefore was likely to be influenced by activators and inhibitors of FE absorption contained in particularl dishes. The results indicated low Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio, especially in the children, due to the reduced intake of meat, fish and meat products containing haem-bound Fe2+. The absorption of non-haem iron absorption necessitates the presence of some factors of which vitamin C was investigated and found sufficient in the individuals’ diet. These observations suggest an inappropriate iron dietary intake which can be one of the factors responsible for the increasing incidence of anaemia in children of Timişoara, Romania.

Received:  3 July 2002
Accepted:  12 September 2002

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