Preliminary Note

Epidemiological Study in the Surrounding of an Asbestos Factory

Mária Posgay

National Institute of Occupational Health, Fodor József National Center for Public Health, Budapest, Hungary

Corresponding author: Mária Posgay, M.D.
    National Institute of Occupational Health,
    Fodor József National Center for Public Health,
    P.O. Box 22, H-1450 Budapest, Hungary
    Telephone: (+36) 1 215 7890
    Fax number: (+36) 1 215 6891

CEJOEM 1999, Vol.5. No.3-4.:332-337

Key words:
Environmental asbestos exposure, occupational asbestos exposure, smoking, respiratory complaints, asbestosis, lung cancer

Author presents the preliminary results of an epidemiological survey done in a Hungarian town with an asbestos cement factory.

Received:  17 February 2000
Accepted:  21 February 2000

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