Effect of Dietary Fibres Upon Some Serum Minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn) and Tissue Integrity in Rats with Lead Poisoning

E. Creteanu1, H. Creteanu2, C. Ionut3, C. Puica4, L. Tefas3, P. Orbai3

1 Institute of Public Health, Cluj, Romania
2 City Hospital, Campia-Turzii, Romania
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj, Romania
4 Institute of Biological Research, Cluj, Romania
Corresponding author: Emilia Creteanu
Institute of Public Health, Cluj, Romania
Mailing adress: Institute of Public Health, Pasteur St. 6, Cluj-Napoca, 3400, Romania
Telephone: 00-40-64-194 2252
Fax: 00-40-64-199 891
E-mail: root@jeffmcm.soroscj.ro

CEJOEM 1998, Vol.4. No.2.:130-139

Key words:
Lead, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, dietary fibres, animal experiment
AAS = atomic absorption spectrophotomer
DF = dietary fibres

Some nutrients may have an important role reducing lead body burden and increasing the elimination rate. The purpose of this study was to render evidence experimentally to the interrelationship between different lead doses and the state of some minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn) in white Wistar rats; in addition the prophylactic role of dietary fibres (Wheat bran) supplemented to the diet of experimental animals was investigated. Solutions of lead acetate (2% and 20%) and suspensions of dietary fibres 70 mg 100 g bw–1 were daily administered during 30 days by gavage. Effects of lead upon erythropoiesis expressed by the fall of haematocrit depended both on lead dose and on the duration of exposure. Different lead levels exposure decreased of Ca, Mg, Cu and serum Zn as well as erythrocytic Mg values. The results obtained by a daily dietary supply of dietary fibres indicate a negative influence upon the studied cation balance. On the other hand, the dietary fibres supplied exert a protective effect on liver tissue and intestinal mucosa through favouring the elimination/excretion of tissue lead.

Received: 08 July 1997
Accepted: 16 April 1998 
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Posted: 15 November 1998