
The Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) – the primary goal of which is to complete the tasks and programmes defined in Chapter XIX of Agenda 21(the programme that is officially called Tasks for the XXI. Century, and pertains to the basic document of the World Conference on the Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro on the 14th of June, 1992, is commonly known as Agenda 21.) – has emphasised the need to prepare national profiles on the sound management of chemicals. The National Profile(3) is the first document in Hungary that summarises the efforts of governmental bodies and non-governmental organisations (of the industrial sector, the scientific community, special interest groups, environmental groups, public interest groups) to promote chemical safety and the sound management of chemicals. The National Profile provides an overview of the life-cycles (import, production, use, disposal, etc.) of the most significant chemicals, by quantity, in Hungary, analyses the national infrastructure meant to ensure the sound management of chemicals, the human resources devoted to making this function, and the regulatory aspects of all this; it also analyses the strong and weak points of these factors, and discusses the possible social and economic advantages, the risks associated with making mistakes, and the need to participate in international co-operation.

Furthermore, it contains recommendations on ways to improve chemical safety in Hungary. It is our hope that the National Profile can be used to inform both members of the professional community and the general public, and that implementation of its recommendations will go a long way towards improving the co-ordination of relevant tasks, and the level of chemical safety in Hungary.

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