The significance of the precise professional history in the diagnosis and prevention of the occupational diseases

T. Kákosy, M. Lászlóffy, M. Écsy, Cs. Papp, Zs. Környei and I. Goór

National Institute of Occupational Health, Budapest

CEJOEM 1997, Vol.3. No.4.:328

In years 1996–97 for about half year authors observed 7 cases in which the insufficient knowledge of the professional history led to fals diagnosis and incorrect determination of the working ability respectively. In 3 patients the solvent exposure, in 2 cases the vibrational one was unknown for the physician, but in the remaining 1-1 the physical distress and lead exposure respectively. Consequently the method of the screening tests was inadequat and in 4 cases professional diseases developed. Authors call the attention to the significance of the correct knowledge of the professtional exposure in the right diagnosis and prevention of the occupational diseases. In order to clarify the working conditions of different jobs precisely it can be necessary to collaborate also with industrial hygienists and the competent departement of the Public Health and Medical Office Service respectively.

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