Sunbed Users’ Motivations, Knowledge, and Habits in Budapest, Hungary

József Bakos, Judit Szabó, and György Thuróczy

Department of Non-ionizing Radiations, Frédéric Joliot-Curie National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, József Fodor National Centre of Public Health, Budapest, Hungary

Corresponding author: József Bakos
    Frédéric Joliot-Curie National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene
    P.O. Box 101
    H-1775 Budapest, Hungary
    Telephone: + (36-1) 482-2019
    Fax number: + (36-1) 482-2020

CEJOEM 2006, Vol.12. No.3.: 137–144

Key words:
Tanning, solarium, ultraviolet, questionnaire survey, risk awareness

The aim of this study was to recognize the main motivations of sunbed use of the Hungarian public, the users’ knowledge of health effects, and their habits related to tanning in sunbed and/or by sunlight. The study was performed in tanning salons of Budapest in 2004 and 2005. Sunbed users completed a questionnaire containing 59 questions, which covered the personal data, habits, motivations, and knowledge on sunbed using. Eight hundred and thirty-three questionnaires were completed, 64% of users were women, 87% of users were regular sunbed users. The average age was similar in both genders: 27.8 and 27.6 years in case of men (M) and women (W), respectively. Most of the participants had finished their secondary school (65%) and college studies (28%). Of all participants 52% (M/W=56/50) classified their skin as “tans well” (skin Type 3). Since the main information source about the health risks was found to be the electronic media it was suggested that public relations campaigns must be undertaken, and children’s awareness of the health risks of natural and artificial UV radiation should be raised at schools.

Received: 21 July 2006
Accepted: 17 November 2006

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