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International scientific journal of Hungarian public health

The journal was founded by MIKL�S T�M�R (1994)

The journal is published by the National Public Health
and Medical Officer Service of Hungary

Responsible publisher: Judit Paller MD., Chief Medical Officer in charge

HU-ISSN 1219-1221

Budapest, Hungary

  • The profile, scructure and function of the journal has been modified (in memoriam JÓZSEF FODOR): 2015
  • The Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is supported by the Occupational Health Foundation  (1221 Budapest, Anna u. 5, Hungary).
  • This home page of the Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is experimental.
  • The home page is intended to make and spread the information - that appeared in printed format - also in electronic format. As the first step, the Editorial Office and the Board does not intend to put full-length papers - except in regard the Editorial Reviews and Review Articles - onto the WEB, but it might be possible to make the individual papers from this WEB site available through special arrangements. 
  • The Editorial Office takes the responsibility of the accurateness of the information as the authors' papers state them. The views and opinions presented here, however, are those of the authors and not that of the Editorial Office nor of the Editorial Board or of any member of those, unless otherwise stated. 
  • All materials appeared in the printed format and/or published in this home page is the property of the Foundation and any further use of the information must be made by making the appropriate reference to the source.

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